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Baking Instructions for clay sculptures!

Bake scuplture AFTER this week's class (clay part 3). Please make sure clay sculpture is baked and cooled well before next week's class time (clay part 4). I'd recommend baking it, at the very latest, the day before class next week to allow plenty of time for the clay to cool fully. Baking instructions may vary from brand to brand so please be sure to check the manufactuer's instructions for your clay at 1/2inch thickness. For Original Sculpey, bake in oven on a foil lined baking sheet at 275° F for 30 minutes. Please wait until fully cooled before handeling. Baking should be completed by an adult.  


Summer camp registration is open!

Please be patient with us while we respond to your registration submissions just as soon as we can! Click the "art camps!" tab above for camp info and the "forms" tab above to register. 


We have a new studio!! 

 We did it! We found a new studio space! ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰

 It's such a cute space and we love it! We'll be right next to the Buford-Sugar Hill Library, Buford Community Center & Town Park, and Buford High School. It's only a 12 minute drive from our old location, so not too far away! We loved spending nearly 11 years in Suwanee and are sad to leave but are so excited to start this new chapter in Buford. Oh and it's practically in my neighborhood so that's awesome too. We just love this area! ๐Ÿ˜

 Our official move in date is JUNE 1ST which means we'll get to have ALL THE SUMMER CAMPS! YAY!!!! I'll be dropping camp information and opening registration on our website (You'll see a "forms" tab above when registration is open) by this Friday so please keep an eye out. Since camp sizes will remain small, seats will be filled on a first-come, first-served, basis. If you emailed us requesting info about camps you'll get that information from us soon so keep checking that inbox. If you're not on our email notification list and would like to be, please feel free to send us an email at info@wondercolorsartstudio.com requesting camp info and we'll get it to you as soon as we finalize it!

I want to personally thank every single one of you for your support this last year. We were really scared to close our doors wondering if we'd ever get to re-open them. We wouldn't have been able to weather the Covid-19 storm without your help, encouragement, and love. From our family to yours, thank you.
All our love,
Mary, William, and Henry

Have a happy spring break! Classes resume the week of 4/12


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please do!  Click on the link to the right to follow and like us! --->

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