Wonder Colors Facebook Page

It's nearly time! Registration will open tomorrow! Click on the "art classes" tab above for more info and the "registration" tab to sign your child up and to check class availability.


We are open this week but will be closed next week for Spring break! 


Click on the "art camps!" tab above for more info & the "registration" tab to register! 


Summer camp registration opens 3-1-22! 


Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Hope everybody had a wonderful holiday season! We'll be back in the studio tomorrow, January 4th. I've just posted an updated Calendar for Winter/ Spring classes here on our website under the "art classes" tab and below this post on the home page!
Also, I have so many great pictures to upload of student projects from before the break. If you don't follow us yet on Facebook or Instagram, you should! Look us up on Facebook @wondercolorsartstudio or on instagram @wondercolorsart for SO MANY amazing pictures of student work! I was going to upload tons of pictures during time off but decided to just unplug and get some much needed rest and family time. 🥰 Here are a few pics until I can get the rest uploaded! Can't wait for yall to see! Hugs to you all!


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