Wonder Colors Facebook Page

October was awesome! We're pumped for Printmaking in November!

We hope you guys had an amazing Halloween! We're back this week for a month full of printmaking for November (my personal fav!) 

 Head on over to our FB page to checkout our newest photo album with pics from our last week of October! The kids did an amazing job on their pop-up pumpkin collâgé for our October mixed-media month! Students hand drew and cut out their shapes then used tempera paints and oil pastels to decorate their little ghosts or cats! whew! It's a lot of work for little hands and they did great!

P.S. Sorry for not uploading photos in a while! Baby life amiright!? hahaha. I'll try to upload a greatest hits of pics from earlier this year and summer camps too.


We're back!

We're back this week! Classes have resumed as normal. William is doing so much better and is going to be fine. Thank you so much for the love and well wishes! 


Closed this week too!

As y’all know we had a family emergency last week where William needed urgent surgery on Friday. He did well but needs more recovery time than we anticipated so Henry and I are going to stay home with him this week to help. I simply can’t care for them both and give my classes the attention they need at the same time. So I’m sad to say that I’m going to go ahead and cancel classes for the whole week. I’ll do my best to contact everyone who had registered for classes and apologize if I miss anyone! Please don’t hesitate to call/email/text if you need. Again, I’m so sorry if this causes any inconvenience! I will also make sure to credit the missed class(es) to you! Thank you all for your patience and understanding. This has been a crazy week. ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ™ Here’s a picture of Henry with William’s nurses  for some cuteness.


Closed today!

We have had a family emergency and have to cancel classes today. William needs surgery (he’s going to be fine, don’t worry!) so we’re closed today!!!! I did my best to contact everyone who had registered for class today and apologize if I missed anyone! Please don’t hesitate to call/email/text if you need. Sorry if this causes any inconvenience! I’ll update when he’s out of surgery. Thank you all!


Let's do this!! Fall classes 2019!

Hey y'all! We're so super excited for this new school year! If you're interested in registering for fall classes, go ahead and jump right to our "email us" page! There are instructions on that page for how to get started! Classes start on Tuesday, August 6th! It's going to be a great year! LET'S DO THIS!!!