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This painting focus week our students are using acrylic paint. Mary has chosen a hummingbird about to feed as the subject. The students and parents both seem to be really enjoying the project this week. We have been for sure. We wanted to paint something that made us feel warm and the weather here has followed our example thank goodness. Enjoy it while it lasts!



Continuing our painting focus this month we are all about doughnuts! Using tempera paint our students are having a blast this week painting a lot of our students favorite junk food. They are getting a chance to add their favorite glaze and toppings to thier doughnuts. Personally chocolate covered plain doughnuts with bacon sprinkles would be my choice. Despite the fact that I have not had a doughnut in quite a few months I can see that not being the case much longer looking at all this amazing art work this week.


Sea Turtles

Starting off our painting month we are diving right in the ocean with sea turtles. Our students are using watercolors and salt this week. You would be suprised how the watercolors run away from the salt making some very interesting patterns. We encourage you to try this at home!


The Grand Canal Venice by Monet

This week our students are learning about reflections and perspective by working on The Grand Canal Venice by Monet using soft pastels. This is our last week of January focusing on drawing. Next month we will be starting a month of painting!


Andrew Wyath's Dog in graphite this week.

This week our students are learning about shading and subtrative erasing this week using graphite. The lesson is Andrew Wyath's Master Bedroom. Well not exactly a colorful name for what I think is an amzazing piece of artwork. I am very greatful our students are learning from his work. I hope the students are enjoying this lesson as much as I enjoy seeing their version of Mr. Wyath's Master Bedroom.