Wonder Colors Facebook Page

Have a happy thanksgiving break! 


Classes cancelled for today (10/14/22) and tomorrow (10/15/22)


Yes! We are open through Fall Break! :)


Classes cancelled for today (9/20/22)


First week of class for the 2022-23 school year!

We're so excited to see everyone this week! Just a reminder to please check out the calander for fall/winter semester for this school year! I've posted it below but this will also be posted under our "art classes" page. 

Also a few more reminders for the school year:

Students may be dropped off no more than 15 minutes early for class.

Please be on time for drop off and pickup. Traffic can be pretty congested this time of year so please allow yourself extra time to drop off and to pickup your child. We will start class on time and will not allow anyone to join who's more than 5 minutes late. 

Tuition is always due on the 15th of the month for the upcoming month. (Example: September's tuition is due August 15th) 

Covid-19 safety update: Masks are currently optional but to limit the number of people in our studio we are still not allowing parents to wait in the lobby while class is in session. 

Thanks so much! Happy new school year to you all!

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