Wonder Colors Facebook Page

Van Gogh's Fishing Boat 

To kick off our classes for this school year our students are learning drawing and shading techniques from a Van Gogh painting. Instead of using paint they are using charcoal on brown paper. It’s a great project that really shows off our students talent.


We are back in the studio!

We were so busy yesterday I forgot to post that we are back in the studio and already enjoying a great start to this school year! We are surprised and thankful that our classes are filling up so fast this year. Honestly, this is the most students we have had during our first week in August. So if you plan on signing up do it now to make sure you get the day and time you want. Thanks, William and Mary.


Classes begin August 9th!

This was our last week of camp! Which means we will be closed until August 9th preparing for our weekly classes. If you forgot to sign up you may call and leave a message or send me an email and I will try to help you out. I am taking a break so you may not get an instant reply from me as usual but I will get back with you. Thanks to everyone for a great summer camp and we hope to see everyone this school year!


Making flowers like Matisse

This week our students are using tempera paint and ink to try and capture the style of Matisse. We are really enjoying the results and hope all of you do as well. Mothers day is right around the corner and I think these would make a great gift. Hint, hint!


Giant giraffes

Giraffes so giant they don't fit on the page are the subject of this weeks art lesson. Our students are using acrylic paint to bring these fantastic creatures to life. We hope everyone is enjoying this wonderful weather as much as we are. Even though that means it's a little hard to come to the studio instead of playing outside all day. That goes for Mary and I as much as the kids!